Celebrating commitments

The conference payed special attention to new and exciting commitments, strategic goals and innovative business approaches.

Breaking boundaries

The Banana Retail Commitment was officially revealed at the conference. This is the first country-wide commitment from retailers closing the living wage gap in the banana supply chain.

Another sectoral commitment announced is the African Tea Sustainability Program. ETP and IDH are going to build on all their experiences in Malawi and will be extending the collaboration to a regional approach to close the living wage gap.

Puratos explained the Beyond Chocolate: 95% of the whole Belgium chocolate market is committed to an ambitious target: achieving a living income for cocoa farmers at the latest in 2030.

And four national cocoa and chocolate sector platforms (Germany, Switzerland, Belgium and the Netherlands) announced their multi-country collaboration on living income for cocoa farmers. 


Inspiring business models

Every supply chain player is needed to bring structural change for workers, smallholders and their families. The following private sector parties have taken up this challenge and commit to a living wage and living income in their supply chain:

  • Philip Morris International: a living income for all contracted farmers (directly or indirectly) in countries where PMI sources tobacco by 2025.

  • Oxfam Fair Trade: a living income for cocoa producers in Côte d’ Ivoire that provide cocoa for Oxfam Fair and sustainable livelihoods for the community by 2025.

  • Tony’s Chocolonely: enabling all cocoa farmers that supply to Tony’s in Ghana and Côte d’ Ivoire to earn a living income, preferably no later than 2025, and support other chocolate brands to adapt Tony’s open chain sourcing principles.

  • Taylors of Harrogate: established a sustainable sourcing approach several years ago, now we are commitment to doing everything we possibly can to pay a living wage and a living income in their coffee and tea supply chains by 2025.

  • Olam Cocoa: cocoa compass with living income targets for 150,000 farmers.

  • Moyee Coffee: working towards a split value distribution between producing and consuming countries, where workers earn a decent salary (fair chain model).