Day 2

Wednesday November 6

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08:00 - 09:00

09:00 - 10:00

10:00 - 10:30

10:30 - 12:30

12:30 - 13:30

13:30 - 15:00

15:00 - 15:30

15:30 - 16:30



Coffee/tea break




Coffee break

Up Our Talk: Celebrating commitments

living wage living income conferenceleefbaar loon leefbaar inkomen conferentie

You can download the programme for Day 2 (Wednesday 6 November) here. Please note that the website may have more extensive descriptions of the different sessions.


Today we explore the successes and challenges of living income and living wage initiatives in different supply chains. Efforts in bananas, cocoa, flowers and plants, coffee, tea and green beans will be actively shared and discussed.


Up Your Game: how the bar is raised for bananas

Witness the reveal of current living wage commitments in the banana sector. Private and public sector, certifiers and IDH come together to present how they work towards closing the living wage gap in this global supply chain.

Moderator: Marjan Smit (Founder and owner SIM Supply Chain Management)
Jordy van Honk (IDH, The Sustainable Trade Initiative), Julie Cournoyer (Fyffes), Cindy Verhoeven (Superunie), Wilbert Flinterman (Fairtrade) and Victor Prada (World Banana Forum)



Up Your Game: designing the enabling environment where cocoa farmers can earn a living income

Join us and directly engage with high-level representatives of Southern and European governments as well as the private sector in exploring the critical elements of an environment that enables living incomes for cocoa farmers in global supply chains. Learn about the complex context in which voluntary commitments and regulatory interventions can create the synergies needed to make living incomes a reality and share your views on what positive or potential adverse effects these interventions may have. Together we will come to an increased understanding of what a smart mix of enabling conditions for promoting living income in cocoa looks like, so that we can take the necessary steps to realise it.

Moderator: Nick Schoemaker (Netherlands Debate Institute)
Dr Mamadou Gbongue (representative of Conseil du Café-Cacao Côte d’Ivoire), Mr. Leonard Mizzi (Head of Unit at EC DEVCO) and Paul Schoenmakers (Head of Impact, Tony’s Chocolonely)


Keynote speech by Minister Kaag and Minister Müller

Sigrid Kaag, Dutch Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, will give an opening speech on the urgency of achieving living wage and living income in global agri-food supply chains. The roles and responsibilities of different actors for working towards this overarching goal will be addressed in a video message by Gerd Müller, the German Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development.

kaag muller living wage living income conferenceleefbaar loon leefbaar inkomen conferentie


Panel session

High-level representatives from development cooperation and donor institutions will engage in a discussion about how these institutions can facilitate the process of realising living wage and living income in global agri-food supply chains.

Moderator: Christian Thorun
Speakers: Birgitta Tazelaar (Deputy Director-General for International Cooperation, Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs), Stefan Schmitz (Deputy Director-General and Commissioner for the ‘One World - No Hunger’ Initiative at the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development), Martien van Nieuwkoop (Global Director for Agriculture and Food Global Practice at the World Bank) and Leonard Mizzi (Head of Unit, Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development, European Commission)


Living Wage and Living Income Conferenceleefbaar loon leefbaar inkomen conferentie


Break out into small groups to share your input on the challenges and opportunities on the way to a living wage or living income in your supply chains.


Hosted by:

Up Your Game: from worker to consumer, a living wage case throughout the flower supply chain

Living wages in the floriculture sector, what is happening and what are the next steps? Work actively with the Ethiopian trade union, an Ethiopian-based producing company and a Dutch retailer on real time cases to learn more about the reality of living wages and contribute to a more fair supply chain in the future.

Moderator: Henry Wera (Hivos East Africa)
Speakers: Mastewal Habtamu Assefa (National Federation of Farm Plantation and Fisheries and Agro-Industries Trade Union), Michel van den Boogaard (Afriflora), Marloes Bruin (Sustainability Manager, Albert Heijn) and Sonia Cordera (Senior Program Manager Fresh and Ingredients, IDH, The Sustainable Trade Initiative)


Hosted by:

Up Your Game: realising an environment that enables living incomes for cocoa farmers

This breakout session is a follow up of the plenary session earlier today. The session is set up in a participatory, interactive debate format. Join us for a deep-dive into the central question How to optimize complementary in roles and interventions to create an effective enabling environment for living incomes? Confronting statements around the key takeaways of the morning plenary will be introduced, triggering stakeholders to give shape to an environment in which cocoa farmers can earn a living income and to identify their role to leverage their impact.

Moderator: Nick Schoemaker (Netherlands Debate Institute)


Hosted by:

Up Your Game: drivers and approaches to tackle the coffee price crisis

Leading sector organisations in the coffee industry will discuss how they are addressing the serious price crisis through key drivers for living income and living wage for coffee farmers and farmworkers. Session participants will then have the opportunity to engage in practical exercises focused on a subset of these action areas.

Moderator: Christina Archer (Sustainable Food Lab)
Vera Espindola Rafael (Board of Directors, Specialty Coffee Association), Jenny Kwan (IDH, The Sustainable Trade Initiative), Gerardo Patacconi (International Coffee Organization) and Maike Moellers (GIZ)


Hosted by:

Up Your Game: adapting commercial practices & enhancing lives of smallholders and workers in green beans

Learn from a collaboration in the green beans supply chain with Marks & Spencer, the Kenyan exporter Flamingo Horticulture, the Kenyan Human Rights Commission and Traidcraft Exchange, which has led to improved commercial benefits for all, including more secure supply of fine beans, and improved and stable incomes and livelihoods for 300 smallholders and 3,000 workers involved in the supply chain in Kenya. Changes in commercial practices included changing specification, confirming final orders earlier, and guaranteeing a minimum volume would be purchased. We will share our key learnings on how to scale improved commercial practices in the green beans supply chain and extend these to other fresh produce lines, hopefully encouraging you to look at how you can improve your supply chains for the benefit of all.

Moderator: Isabelle de Lijser (Hivos)
Hazel Culley (Marks & Spencer), Alistair Leadbetter (Traidcraft) and Mary Kambo (Kenya Human Rights Commission)

Hosted by:


Up Your Game: tea

Learn how taking a supply chain approach can benefit tea workers and smallholder farmers. What are the lessons learnt from prior projects and how can we use these learnings to go forward? This will be a practical discussion focusing mainly on the way forward on living wage for the East-African tea sector.

Speakers: Ian Brabbin (Taylors of Harrogate), Sarah Roberts (Ethical Tea Partnership), Eberhard Krain (GIZ), Benjamin Luig (Rosa Luxembourg Stiftung), Rachel Cowburn – Walden (Unilever) and Jordy Van Honk (IDH, The Sustainable Trade Initiative)


Hosted by:

Up Your Game: Promoting living income through a cross-commodity approach

How do viable farming systems need to be structured to enable higher and more resilient income for smallholder families? Which enabling conditions are necessary in order to turn diversification and professionalisation into powerful catalysers for improved livelihoods? Within the scope of these core questions, we aim to discuss and align on effective farm-based strategies that support living income from a landscape oriented and multi-stakeholder-based perspective, going beyond just the main crops.

Moderator: Dr. Minu Hemmati
Ekundayo Mejabi (CEO, Agricultural Business Concepts Ltd) and Filipe Di Matteo (Program Officer, AMEA – The Agribusiness Market Ecosystem Alliance)




Up Our Talk: Celebrating commitments

The only way to the next frontier. Don’t miss the closing, with strategic goals on closing the gap, sector commitments, and other reasons to stay until the end.

Moderator: Steven Collet (Ambassador for Business and Development, Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs)